We in the South

Innovation as a Tradition

From the Unterallgäu region,
we supply Germany and Europe!
ern and Packaging -,
this stands for tackling problems,
developing creative solutions
and co-operating in partnership.


BayPack sees itself as a creative service provider, i.e. developer, supplier and partner for the food and non-food industry in all matters concerning correct transport and shelf-ready packaging as well as for folding cardboard boxes and sleeves. Today's requirements for outer packaging are numerous and go far beyond safely transporting brand-name products from A to B.

Our commitment to creative development and efficient production (printing, punching, gluing) of transport and shelf-ready packaging focuses on two central points:

1. Saving of supply chain costs for our customers, in particular in the internal and external logistics process

Saving of storage space!

Saving of external logistics costs /
More product per pallet!
Bar chart of quantity of delivered packages per pallet
 Bar chart of number of packages of end product


2. Optimisation of sales and marketing aspects of shelf-ready packaging to increase sales

Well functioning opening system: opens quickly + cleanly!

Opening a packaging


Flexible, sales-boosting shelf presentation

Opening and placing a packaging on the self-service cooling shelf



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  Bahnhofstraße 30
  D-87778 Stetten

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