Legal Notice

Editorial responsibility:

BayPack GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 30
D-87778 Stetten

+49 (0) 82 61/73111-0
+49 (0) 82 61/73111-50


Managing Director, entitled to represent the company:

Dr. Ralph Dengler


BayPack GmbH

Court of registry: HRB 14342 Amtsgericht Memmingen

Tax No.: 138/122/10933

VAT ID No. pursuant to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz (German Value Added Tax Act): DE 273135973


Responsible for content pursuant to § 6 MDStV (Interstate Agreement on Media Services):

Frank Krier, BayPack GmbH


Web design & implementation

brain at work GmbH
Bahnhofstr. 5
D-88299 Leutkirch

Sources for the images and illustrations used

We use photos and illustrations of these authors on our website:

Fotolia 11361622 S C  Ilja Ma  k
Fotolia 12376985 XS C  Yuri Arcurs
Fotolia 15165081 S C  M S
Fotolia 20257005 S C  Kapu
Fotolia 24112498 S C  Peter Atkins
Fotolia 25375597 S C  Konstanze Gruber
Fotolia 25709017 S C  Alexander Rochau
Fotolia 26188974 S C  Peter Atkins
Fotolia 31855301 XS C  WoGi
Fotolia 3233858 S C  paradoksB
Fotolia 3916846 S C  Sabine Leikep
Fotolia 9080067 S C  J rgen Priewe
Fotolia 9185638 S C  ChriSes


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